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From Valdeorras to Armenia: an unforgettable Erasmus+ journey

On the edge of Europe, where past and present intertwine, lies Armenia, the setting for a unique journey that we were fortunate to be part of along with ten other associations from all over Europe.

Our destination was Abovyan, a small town very close to the capital Yerevan. Here, under the hospitality of the host association, "Future in Our Hands", our journey began and we embarked on a week full of simulation activities and workshops on communication and conflict resolution.

Thanks to the experience of our trainers, Vlad and Sofia, we were able to get to know and put into practice a lot of new ideas applied to non-formal education and youth work, and we even had time to design our own workshops.

In addition, night after night, we were able to share intercultural dinners, with Armenian dishes and dishes from so many other countries: Jordan, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Georgia, and so on.

In the middle of the week, we were filled with awe as we visited the majestic rock-hewn monastery of Geghard, a unique example of the art that has flourished in this land. The silence that filled the air, interrupted only by the echo of our footsteps, made us feel as if we were connected to centuries of history.

As we leave Armenia, we carry with us more than just memories. We carry with us the wisdom of a country with centuries of history, the experience of a journey that challenged our minds and hearts, and many new friendships in this magical corner of the world.

In the words of an old proverb, "Knowledge is like a garden: if it is not cultivated, it is not harvested".

Thanks to all of you who made it possible!

"Vitamine C booster" is an Erasmus+ project co-funded by the European Union through the Czech National Agency. Organised by Future in our Hands Armenia, Active Vitorazsko z. s. and Educatio Ukraine.


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